You may have many dreams, needs and desires. For example, you could be dreaming of :

  • Owning a new car Buying a dream house Providing your children with the best education Planning a grand wedding for your children
  • Having a great time after your retirement

But in today’s world of skyrocketing costs and increasing inflation, how many of these dreams can you hope to turn into reality? By planning well, you can utilise your limited resources to the fullest.

Ask4Money helps you see the big picture and invest for specific long-term and short-term goals well in time with the help of 360° Financial Planning.

What is 360° Financial Planning all about?

360° Financial Planning is a unique software-based simulation that takes a holistic view of your life-long financial needs and charts a personalised investment strategy to help you meet them. Broadly, it involves :

  • Identifying your current financial status Listing and prioritising your goals Creating a sound investment plan to achieve them
  • Monitoring the plan to facilitate swift corrective action, if needed

360° Financial Planning is based on the premise that every individual has certain basic financial needs that are expressed at various stages of life (getting married, buying assets like homes, vehicles, or providing for your children’s education and wedding). With the help of 360° Financial Planning, you can prepare yourself well in time for all these goals.

How will 360° Financial Planning help me?

Instead of investing in an ad-hoc manner, 360° Financial Planning helps you take a holistic, all-round view. Briefly, 360° Financial Planning comprises :

  • Investment Planning: To make your wealth grow
  • Cash Flow Planning: To provide for assets and meet the periodic cash requirements
  • Tax Planning: To save on taxes and increase your income
  • Insurance Planning: To protect yourself, your family and your assets
  • Children’s Future Planning: To give your children a financially secure future
  • Retirement Planning: Because retirement is a time to relax, not to get worried

How do I get my FREE personalised 360° Financial Plan created?

Here’s how Financial Plans are prepared :

  • The process begins with identifying your needs with the help of the Need Analysis Form. Our Financial Planners then use the especially-created 360° Financial Planning software to generate a personalised Snapshot. The Snapshot gives you a graphic account of all your financial requirements, at every stage of your future life. Based on the Snapshot, our experts work out an investment strategy.
  • Once implemented, our experts keep regular track of your investments.
A Financial Planning session takes just 15 minutes, and is absolutely FREE!