
Ask4money is a fast growing network of Financial Agents and Advisors. The company is dedicated to building an efficient business model for the Finance professionals wherein the professionals can focus on their core activity of providing Financial  services to the satisfaction of the clients and Ask4money shall provide Marketing, Wanted Leads, Infrastructure, Properties Data, Training and other supports to the professionals in its network.

Benefits of joining the network of Ask4Money:

Wanted Leads – Ask4money generates verified Wanted Leads for all segments through various mediums like company Website, Advertising, Internet Listings, Telecalling, Referrals and various other mediums, which are passed on to the network members.

Quality  Data – Ask4money builds leads from all segments through  various sources like Newspapers, Internet Listings, company Website and various other mediums and the same is provided to the network members.

Business from Corporates / Brands – Marketing Services team of the company is responsible for business development with Corporates/Banks / leading brands which in turn is shared with network members of Ask4money

Low Marketing Costs – Major advertising and marketing being done by Ask4money means lesser marketing costs and major time saving for its members.

National Exposure – Ask4money  promotes each of its members as specialists in their areas and the details of the members, their requirements and property details are more widely circulated through various marketing mediums and the company website, etc.

Greater Recognition – Being a part of established network, you get instant recognition as a serious player in your area with more exposure for you / your company. Greater Brand Recall, Greater Earnings, Greater Recognition.

Training and Knowledge Sharing – Group learnings and interaction with more knowledgeable members in the group coupled with regular Training sessions go a long way in enhancing your skills as a Financial specialist.

Networking Benefits – You get instant access to other network members in the group increasing your chances of doing more deals across many other segments and areas and in turn you also get more leads for your own segment.

Ask4Money  invites likeminded and talented Finance Professionals to join its network as ::

  • Financial Advisors(FA)
  • Preferred Agents(PA)
  • Wealth Centres (WC)


The selected individual will work as a Staff of the company with full time involvement and the company provides all the facilities and supports to the FA including full office infrastructure, staff, advertising and marketing support with almost no business expense on part of the FA. The FA gets monthly salary. All the deals done by the FA get him incentives with salary.

They are the people who are the most knowledgeable about various products, prices, places, etc. – the ‘information specialists’. They enjoy gathering information and are socially motivated enough to share it with others.

Pre requisites: Matured and experienced individuals good communication skills and fluency in English, belonging to any of the following group are eligible to join our network:

Minimum Education- 12th pass

  • Sales Professionals
  • Marketing Professionals.
  • Telecallers


The company shall associate with selected  individuals as their Preferred Agents (PA), wherein the network members of ASK4MONEY  will prefer to route their dealings for the select segment through the Preferred Agents. Cases where complete client details and requirements are passed on to the PA shall qualify for Referral Brokerage equivalent to 10% of the total brokerage earned and the cases where the network members of ASK4MONEY  remain fully involved in the dealings shall qualify for 60:40 sharing. This is a non exclusive arrangement on reciprocal basis.

From a marketing perspective, it is these guys who would help to provide access to a large and varied group of prospects.

ASK4MONEY  shall appoint only few PA’s in each segment where there is no FA or WC  of the company.

  • Retired Personnel
  • Individual Brokers
  • Insurance Agents
  • Chartered Accountants
  • Real Estate Agents
  • Doctors/ Chemists
  • Pharma Persons
  • Others

Note: A Standard Selection procedure is followed for each of the above mentioned positions.


Selected Person with established offices in Delhi & NCR areas can become Exclusive Franchisees of ASK4MONEY in their area, where customer can step in to purchase any financial product of any Bank/ Company. Also he resolved his queries related to financial products & renew his policy in our centre. Each Franchisee pays only 50 % of the Commissions generated only in the leads given by the company subject to a minimum fixed Monthly License fees. The Franchisee maintains his own office set up and continues to do all other deals in his own account. Franchisee also gets the opportunity to do many more deals with the company / its network members on 50 – 50 basis.

Pre requisites: Matured and experienced Real Estate agents having their own office set up (office infrastructure and staff), doing deals in Financial services in Delhi/NCR